1.0 Log File Standardization
1.1 Log Level Standardization
Different Log Entries are divided into different levels. Here is a list of them.
logLevel | Integer Value | Description |
FATAL | 5 | Very severe error events that might cause the application to terminate. |
ERROR | 4 | Error events of considerable importance that will prevent normal program execution, but might still allow the application to continue running. |
WARNING | 3 | Potentially harmful situations of interest to end users or system managers that indicate potential problems. |
INFO | 2 | Informational messages that might make sense to end users and system administrators, and highlight the progress of the application. |
DEBUG | 1 | Relatively detailed tracing used by application developers. |
1.2 File Storage
Darbots FTC Lib Logger Files are stored in the /FIRST/Logs/ directory of the phone’s local storage space.
1.3 Log File Structure
The Log File is a plain TXT file encoded in ASCII with the JSON scheme. The main structure of the file follows the following pattern:
"initTime": 0, //type: long, represents how many milliseconds passed since EPOCH until OpMode Initialization, time zone = UTC.
"startTime": 0, //type: long, how many milliseconds have passed since initialization until OpMode start, -1 = not started,
"endTime": 0, //type: long, how many milliseconds have passed since initialization until OpMode stop
"runningOpMode": "Robot4100Gen1Auto-BlueScanDouble", //Class Name of the Running OpMode
"priority": 0, //Integer of Thread Priority, from 1 to 10, 1 = lowest, 10 = highest priority
"module": "ServoUsingMotor", //Which Module is reporting this log?
"caption": "SystemStatus", //What is the title of the log?
"timeStamp": 0, //type: long, how many milliseconds have passed since initialization until this log entry is recorded
"content": {
"type": "xxx", //log type, described in string
"value": {} //type: object
}, //type: object, the content of the log entry
"level": 1 //type: integer, integer value given by logLevel specified above.
"startTime": "Integer of how many seconds have passed since epoch",
"runningOpMode": "Class Name of the Running OpMode",
"priority": "Integer of Thread Priority, from 1 to 10",